About Us
Huronia Heights and its beaches were established in the 1930’s as a recreational community. Huronia Heights has a total of 332 homeowners with eight private parks and beaches. Our parks and beaches have beautiful benches and picnic tables overlooking the beautiful Lake Huron.
Waste Removal
Rules for rubbish removal:
* Waste management 96 gallon toters must be put at curb Sunday late for Monday pick up. Please take toter back to house once it is empty, also please help out neighbors if they are out of the area by returning their cart to side of home.
* Only rubbish in the toter will be picked up, if you have any issues with toter or have not received one yet please contact Waste Management Waste Management is tracking toters numbers so please do not mix up toters with neighbors, also we suggest you put your address on your toter in case they are removed or blown away. bulk items such as furniture must be called into Waste Management and you are allowed 3 items for $35 ( 1-866-797-9018)
* Contractor debris or homeowners doing repairs must make other arrangements for debris removal.
Yard waste:
* Season runs from April through November usually on Tuesday’s
* Allowed up to 15 Kraft bags, no plastic and tree branch’s must be tied and no longer than 6’Thank you for your cooperation
Association Fees
Every property owner is required to pay an annual association fee. Payments are due by the 30th of June each year. Property owners will receive a written notice of the amount due one month prior to due date. A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed on any delinquent accounts. The dues are $275 a year for property with a house and additional $20 per FULL lot $10.00 per Half lot that is attached. Vacant Property is $105 per year.
The association fee covers…
• Lawn Maintenance for our parks and beaches, as well as easements throughout the community
Here are some general rules, please post in all rental properties.
-Garbage will be picked on Mondays only. Yard waste will be picked up on Tuesdays.
-No animals are allowed on the beach at any time.
-All animals must be on a leash even if accompanied by owner or guardian.
-Beach and Parks must be cleaned up by the user leaving litter.
-No firearms shall be discharged in the boundaries of Huronia Heights.
-No person shall trim, cut, or dislodge any trees or shrubs from parks or bluffs.
-No person shall solicit door to door for charity without written permit from the board.
-No sales are allowed door to door in the property of Huronia Heights.
-All motorized vehicles shall travel roads at speed specified by posted signs.
-Motorists shall yield right of way to all adult and children pedestrians on the right of way.
-Any bonfire must be supervised by an adult 18 or older.
-No one under the age of 16 without an operator’s license may operate a motorized vehicle in Huronia Heights subdivision. This includes golf carts and motor bikes and go carts.
General Rules
Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns regarding Huronia Heights. Please remember to be patient for a response from one of our volunteers.